December at RiverPoint is predictable only in its
uncertainty. We’ve had years where clients take advantage of the holidays and
snap up top talent before the holiday break and others where it seems like
everyone leaves for vacation Dec 15th.
While I’m not sure what’s going to happen over the next 29
days I am certain of one thing - come Thursday, January 2nd hiring
is going to kick into gear. Looking at trends in the marketplace, and
information from the Department of Labor demand for software engineers,
analysts, testers, systems administrators and most other technology related job
categories will easily outstrip supply.
One thing that will be different from 2013 is the number of people making a change. According to a recent poll published in the LA Times 83% of the workers said they intended to “actively look for a new job” in 2014. How this impacts the KC market remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – a large majority of employees are missing something in their current role and will be looking to make a change in 2014.
We’re excited for the next year. We’ve added a number of new
clients, and other key clients have experienced exponential growth providing
some excellent opportunities for our associates. A number of our consultants
were promoted into strategic leadership roles this year and that is a trend we
expect to continue.
If you’d like to have a chat about how we can help you realize your goals are for 2014 drop me a line. The marketplace is as active as I’ve ever seen and 2014 certainly holds a lot of promise in getting people to the next level. I’d love to be a part of that for you.